Plans filed with the city call for 220 units in a 22-story apartment building next to the Fonda Theatre in Hollywood. (Credit: Google Maps)
A new 220-unit tower is set to replace a parking lot next to the Fonda Theatre and join the wave of redevelopment projects shaping the new Hollywood skyline.
The 22-story structure headed for Hollywood Boulevard was designed by HKS Architects. It will be made up of a four-story podium topped off by 18 stories of residential space, CurbedLA reported. The ground floor is expected to include a restaurant with outdoor dining space, which would adjoin a landscaped courtyard.
The project is slated for four parcels at 6100-6116 W. Hollywood Blvd. and 1633-1649 N. Gower St.
Eleven of the units will be designated as affordable housing. Parking spaces will be included in two underground levels, below 3,270 square feet of commercial space.
The developer is an LLC connected to the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. It expects construction to begin in 2020 and last for about two years.
The project is one of several new developments planned for the heart of Hollywood, including hotels and other major redevelopments. [CurbedLA] – Gregory Cornfield
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