In “Life Size” and its recently released sequel, “Life Size 2,” supermodel Tyra Banks plays the role of “Eve,” a doll who lives in a make-believe place called Sunnyvale where dolls and models run amok.
With her latest endeavor, a brick-and-mortar project dubbed “Modelland,” it’s almost as if Banks is looking to recreate that fantasy land.
The “America’s Next Top Model” creator plans to open a 21,000-square-foot interactive amusement park — named after her 2010 novel — at Santa Monica Place, WWD reported.
Set to open this year, Modelland will include retail, entertainment and other interactive experiences. More exact details remain scant, but Banks told WWD the project will be a permanent ticketed attraction, as opposed to the more common pop-up experience that disappears after a set amount of time.
Macerich, owner of Santa Monica Place, even contributed funding for the project alongside other investors. Banks said it took her 10 years for Modelland to become a reality.
The outdoor mall is also going to be getting another attraction soon. The Zimmer Children’s Museum, now rebranded to Cayton’s Children Museum, is also opening a 21,000-square-foot space this year. Designed by R&A Architecture + Design, the eye-catching museum will host more than 30 exhibits for kids. [WWD] – Natalie Hoberman
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