It’s the last stretch of summer so soak in those rays, grab your phone or tablet, and catch up on the videos that made a splash with our readers last week on The Real Deal. Catch up now, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Behind A-Rod’s real estate play
Maybe it was because A-Rod and Jennifer Lopez just dropped $33 million on a new pad in Star Island, but there was renewed interest in the former Yankee star’s real estate tell-all with TRD.
Gentrification: Scourge or opportunity?
Strong emotions usually emerge in any discussion of gentrification in New York City. Bronx Community Board 6 district manager John Sanchez and the Manhattan Institute’s Kay Hymowitz discussed the nuances of changing neighborhoods on the latest TRD Talks Live.
Coffee Talk with Carl Weisbrod
TRD readers revisited this interview with Carl Weisbrod, the chairman of the NYC Planning Commission, who had a lot to say about the economic impact the city will face should businesses and talent not return.
The REinterview: Max Simkoff
Readers continue to be interested in proptech and found our interview with Max Simkoff, whose startup States Title is looking to disrupt the insurance industry, one of the murkiest corners of real estate.
The post Behind A-Rod’s real estate play, NYC’s talent exodus: Trending TRD videos you may have missed appeared first on The Real Deal Los Angeles.
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