After reuniting with his ex-wife four years ago, Phil Collins is now reportedly trying to evict her from his waterfront Miami Beach mansion.
Collins and his ex, jewelry designer Orianne Cevey, went through an expensive divorce in 2008, when Collins paid her nearly $47 million. Though they got back together in 2016, Cevey eloped in August to Las Vegas to marry Thomas Bates, prompting Collins to try to get her off the property, according to the Mirror and TMZ.
The Genesis frontman paid $33 million in 2015 for the home at 5800 North Bay Road in Miami Beach that Cevey is reportedly living in. The North Bay Road estate previously belonged to Jennifer Lopez.
TMZ reported that Collins gave his ex-wife until 3 p.m. on Friday to leave the house, and plans to file an eviction suit if she does not leave.
Three years ago, Cevey, who went by Orianne Collins Mejjati Alami, had alleged in her divorce from Charles Fouad Mejjati Alami that she had claim to his Sunset Islands home at 1525 West 24th Street in Miami Beach. The documents in that case are now sealed. In a separate lawsuit filed in September 2019, J.P. Morgan is suing to foreclose on Mejjati Alami’s property. [TMZ] – Katherine Kallergis
The post Phil Collins trying to evict ex-wife from Miami Beach mansion appeared first on The Real Deal Los Angeles.
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