A pair of bills meant to create more affordable housing have cleared both houses of California’s state legislature and await their fates on the desk of Governor Gavin Newsom.
The California Senate approved Senate bills 9 and 10 on Monday, according to LA Biz. The California Assembly approved the bills earlier this month.
SB 9 would allow the construction of four units on some properties statewide zoned for single-family homes, while SB 10 would allow local lawmakers to upzone infill sites around transit.
Newsom, who is facing a recall election, did not say Monday whether he would sign the bills into law. He has 12 days to do so or veto them.
Both were hotly debated and amended several times in both houses over the last several months. They are essentially revised versions of stronger bills that in the past failed to garner enough support to clear the state legislature.
Lawmakers pushed to allow higher density development in single-family neighborhoods last year as well. State Senator Scott Wiener has wanted to upzone parcels near transit for several years.
Both are part of an 11-bill housing package put together by the Senate that includes components of Weiner’s Senate Bill 50, which was finally shelved early last year after several attempts and revisions.
[LA Biz] — Dennis Lynch
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