BLT Enterprises Executive Vice President Daniel Rosenthal and 11261 Santa Monica Boulevard
BLT Enterprises is bringing the bacon to West Los Angeles.
The Santa Monica-based developer wants to build a 119-unit project at 11261 Santa Monica Boulevard, a 0.4-acre site just off the 405 at the corner of Beloit Avenue. The site is currently home to a gas station.
An LLC tied to BLT Executive Vice President Daniel Rosenthal called Berdan Holdings LLC owns the property. If built, the nearly 82,000-square-foot project would also encompass a neighboring Beloit Avenue address the firm owns as well, according to the filing.
BLT is making 17 of the units “affordable,” which would qualify them for an increase in height, reduced open space, and reduced yard setbacks. The city’s Transit-Oriented Communities program provides those incentives and more to developers building affordable units near transit lines. The program allows for larger bonuses based on a development’s proximity to transit, its number of affordable units, and for what income level those units are set aside.
Renderings on BLT’s website appear to show two different five-story concepts for the location, which could date from before the TOC program came into effect in October and allowed for a taller project.
The new development would be a few blocks from developer Premier League’s 24-unit TOC project at 11272 W. Nebraska Avenue, filed in January.
BLT owns two other properties in the immediate area — one on Barrington Avenue and another on Pontius Avenue, purchased in 2015 and 2016, respectively.
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